Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bonjour ♥

hello again~its been like 3months since last update, well I'll try my best to update as frequent as possible! so here are the ACTIVITIES that i had done in these 3months

1. tried the legendary Burger KAW KAW which is situated in Wangsa Maju. went there and Q up at 5.40pm and we are their 3rd customers YAY! after 2hr+of waiting finally they start to take orders. their orders start at 7.45pm. RATE 4.5/5 for this burger, yes it was nice the MUST TRY is BURGER DAGING with Cheese and Bacon
2. bought this poppin cookin in Pavilion Tokyo Street, played and ate it, it taste fruity. I know fail looking bento.
3. went to this restaurant in Sentul and had pork knuckles with H5/F5 gang. SUPER NICE! I ate it for 3 times in 1 month
4. went to Malacca Food trip with the gang during CNY. mama black is missing in this picture because she's asleep with black.

Well I think that's all for the update and I'll be back

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